Seven years after the Fall, Medgar makes his way along the shores of the Great Ontario Sea and remembers his lost love Emmett. Every day is very much the same on an Earth still plagued by viruses. But on this day, everything is about to change.
cast & CREW
Playwright: Syrus Marcus Ware
Director: Tanisha Taitt
Actor: Prince Amponsah
Still from Emmett with Prince Amponsah as Emmett, Syrus Marcus Ware, 2021. As seen on CBC Gem’s “21 Black Futures”.
21 Black Futures is a production of Obsidian Theatre, Canada’s leading theatre for Black art. Obsidian would like to thank the incredible production team that worked on the show, and acknowledge the generous support of its funders and community supporters.
eTalk, CTV. (2021, Feb 5). “Syrus Marcus Ware envisions the future in new play 'Emmett'”.