Does That Make Me Crazy?

Does That Make Me Crazy moves across time to tell a story of intergenerational experiences of Madness, love and activism in a mixed race family over four decades. Set against the backdrop of Black liberation movements in the 1960s, 1990s and mid 2010s, Does That Make Me Crazy makes important links between Black liberation and Mad justice.



The Theatre Centre


Written by Syrus Marcus Ware

Directed by Donna-Michelle St. Bernard

Dramaturgy by Yolanda Bonnell

Stage Managed by Kyisha Williams

Produced by Lisa Alves

Performances by a. portia ehrhardt, Emily Zimmerman, Samson Bonkeabantu Brown, Isaac Cunningham, Kaleb Robertson, Jeff Scott McLarnon, Ravyn Wngz, daniel jelani ellis, Chenise Mitchell, Gaitrie Killings, and Theo Walker Robinson

Sound Design by Theo Walker Robinson

Choreography by Rodney Diverlus

Vocal Coaching by shi wisdom


SummerWorks Festival


Written by Syrus Marcus Ware

Performances by a. portia ehrhardt, Emily Zimmerman, Samson Bonkeabantu Brown, Isaac Cunningham, Kaleb Robertson, Jeff Scott McLarnon, Ravyn Wngz, Aisha Sasha John, Hanlon McGreggor, Aeshna Ware-Huff

Choreography mentorship by Rodney Diverlus



Aisling Murphy & Michael Crabb. “SummerWorks is back and wants to reimagine the possibilities of performance. Toronto Star”. August 1, 2022