Crip Your World
Crip Your World! In this amazing performance experience, disabled, sick, Deaf, and crazy queer and/or 2POC artists took audiences on an extraordinary journey into our bodies’ genius through sexy, complicated, life-saving, and deeply needed stories. Experientially sacred and divine, these artists spoke to us about the revolutionary nature of disability.
Featuring brilliant performance, video, and sick,
disabled, Deaf and crazy genius by:
Atellis The Blue-Joce, k. ulanday barrett, Melannie Gayle, Askari Gonzalez, Rosina Kazi, Masti Khor, Eddie Ndopu, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Billie Rain, Nik Redman/DJ Nik Red, Syrus Marcus Ware
Crip Your World: An Intergalactic Queer/POC Sick and Disabled Extravaganza was held on May 7, 2014 at The Palmerston Library Theater as part of Mayworks 2017.
Photos courtesy of the artist.